For Residents and Residency Program Directors

With over 4,500 probes and 3,000 learning resources in all orthopaedic subspecialties, JBJS Clinical Classroom houses essential content for a resident of any level. From core material to advanced topics, residents can spend days studying from this learning tool, especially with the help of our personalized algorithm.

The system learns from a user’s trends in performance to target their knowledge gaps, phase out their strengths to save time, and provide tailored resources for remediation. It’s the very best in lifelong orthopaedic education, from residency into practice.

How We Are Different

Clinical Classroom


Other Options

Algorithm tailors questions to the user Standard question bank
Teaching to be an effective surgeon Teaching to pass the OITE
Admin features are free for the whole department Admin features cost $$
Learning based on confidence and metacognition Learning based on memorization

What Makes Clinical Classroom Unique

The novelty of Clinical Classroom comes from its assessment of a resident’s confidence in the content. Evaluating correctness and confidence in tandem enables the resident to think critically about their proficiency while informing our system of what content to curate for the user. This creates a more productive learning experience that saves an immense amount of time for the user by avoiding repeat or basic content.

The individualized learning system reinforces clinical skills, sharpens one’s knowledge, and hones confidence in the material. Program directors and faculty can monitor resident performance through reports and customizable exams. You can set up pre/post-rotation exams or baseline tests in preparation for the OITE

Products for Residents and Programs

OITE Prep Module 2023
$19.99Access for 90 days
  • 300+ probes and resources in 11 subspecialties
  • Curated content based on OITE 2022 blueprint
30-day Trial
$30.00Access for 30 days
  • Full suite of 4,500+ probes and 3,100+ educational resources in 11 subspecialties
  • OITE, ABOS Pt 1, and rotation preparation
  • Practice sets
  • Personalized learning and reporting
  • Comparative % on answer choices
Group Subscription
$180.00*Per user/per year, *Discounts vary by country
  • Includes all Trial features plus...
  • Free admin tools for custom exams and performance monitoring
  • Premade subspecialty, PGY, and pre/post-rotation exams
  • Annual OITE and Board Pt 1 JBJS-made pretests
  • Program training and curriculum development from our team

Testimonials from Residents and Resident Directors

Dr. Matthew Sardelli on JBJS Clinical Classroom for Residency Programs

We had a resident in our program whom was struggling academically.  While other forms of remediation were available, such as question banks, JBJS Clinical Classroom provided a unique format for learning the material.  By tasking modules and having the learner engage in real world scenarios with papers and additional reading available to supplement the questions and answers, our resident was able to come off of his remediation plan.  The most impressive however was that not only did his in-training scores improve, but his overall patient care improved as he wasn’t rote memorizing answers but was understanding orthopaedic concepts.

—Dr. Matthew Sardelli, Chair of McLaren Flint Orthopaedic Residency

JBJS Clinical Classroom helped me prepare for the OITE, but it also helps me prepare for cases. It gives me a certain topic or case and its nuances. It helps me to understand what we are doing in the OR in more depth.”

—Dr. Avinesh Agarwalla, Resident at Westchester Medical Center

Dr. Avinesh Agarwalla on JBJS Clinical Classroom for Residents
