The JBJS Quiz of the Month is a collection of 10 relevant questions from each orthopaedic subspecialty. The questions are drawn from JBJS Clinical Classroom, which houses over 4,500 questions and 3,100 learning resources. Take the Quiz to see how you score against your peers!

NOTE: This quiz does not earn users CME credits. The questions must be answered within Clinical Classroom to earn CME credits.

Which of the following nerves is most commonly injured after a direct anterior total hip arthroplasty (THA)?
    • Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve
    • This nerve branches off of the lumbar plexus and passes under the ilioinguinal ligament and then over the sartorious muscle, where it has an unpredictable course. It is most commonly injured after direct anterior THA.


    • Superior gluteal nerve
    • The superior gluteal nerve is at risk during the direct lateral approach to the hip, where it can be injured if the gluteus medius is split beyond 3-5 cm proximal to its insertion on the greater trochanter.


    • Femoral nerve
    • The femoral nerve is at risk during placement of anterior acetabular retractors from any approach to the hip.


    • Sciatic nerve
    • The sciatic nerve is most commonly injured after a posterior THA.

